Yamuna® Body Rolling is a self care method and therapeutic technique, which combines health, well-being and injury prevention.
It is a self-massage where the ball becomes the hands of the therapist and the person’s weight creates the traction, movement and release on the ball; thus to organise the body bringing all the parts back to working the way they should and can be!
It grew out of Yamuna® Body Logic, developed by Yamuna Zake (NY) over twenty years ago. In Body Logic, Yamuna exerted traction on a muscle by using one elbow to apply pressure at the point where a muscle began and the other hand to pull the muscle in its natural direction, toward its insertion. The result was greater length in the muscle, decompressing bones, joints and nerves.
Benefits of Yamuna® Body Rolling:
• Tones and elongates muscles
• Improves alignment
• Increases circulation
• Develops and maintains core strength
• Stimulates nerve roots
• Stimulates organs
• Increases metabolism
• Relaxes the nervous system
• Expands the lungs and deepens breathing
• Increases body awareness
Please bring your own mat and blanket.
YAMUNA® BODY ROLLING courses will be taught by:
Moravia Naranjo